
Foundation Board

The purpose of the Heritage Christian School Foundation (“Foundation”) is to build assets in our General and Endowment Funds, and, therefrom, generate income for the support of the educational needs of Heritage Christian School (“School”). Since its ineption and cumulatively through the 2022-23 school year, the Foundation provided grants totalling $1,049,500 to the School. For the last five school years, grants in the following amounts were given to the School:

  • 2023-2024   $100,000
  • 2022-2023   $115,000 
  • 2021-2022   $61,000 
  • 2020-2021   $55,000 
  • 2019-2020   $45,000 
  • 2018-2019   $45,000 

The Board is very thankful for the on-going commitment of its supporters.

The Board is committed to a wise and prudent investment strategy that minimizes financial risk of the Foundation’s invested assets yet provides for both growth and income to meet the needs of the school in the future. Through fund-raising activities and growth in our asset portfolio, the Foundation plans to increase the financial support that it provides to the School.

The Board welcomes a variety of gifts including:

OUTRIGHT GIFTS – Gifts of cash or appreciated assets (e.g. investment securities) are appreciated by the Foundation.

LIFE INCOME GIFTS – Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts can be funded with a gift of cash or appreciated assets (e.g., investment securities) and the donor can also have the security of a guaranteed income for life.

GIFTS OF LIFE INSURANCE – Making the Foundation both the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy can leave a lasting legacy that will be of benefit for years to come.

BEQUESTS –  A donor can leave a legacy for future generations by naming the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan.

You may have other thoughts in mind.  To help you in the process of gifting or planning, the Foundation is a member of the Barnabas Foundation, which provides experienced advice and services at no charge to our constituents. For detailed information on these and other ways to support the Foundation, please contact Don Offringa ( or 616-813-0066) or our School office (  or 616-669-1773). Please be assured of our commitment to confidentiality and understanding

Foundation Board of Trustees (2024-2025): Tyler Doezema, Don Offringa , Andy Peterson , Dowie VanderSchaaf , Bill VanOverloop, Trent Wieringa,  Mitch VanOverloop (school board representative)

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