Welcome to the Library!

Library Mission Statement:

The HCS Library exists to serve the students, staff, and parents of Heritage Christian School. The Library fully supports and undergirds the Mission Statement of Heritage Christian School.

Library Staff:

Mrs. Amy Langeland and Mrs. Dianne VanPutten are the Librarians. Mrs. Shelley VanDyke is our Library Aide. You are welcome to contact the Librarians by email at library@hchr.org . If you would like to speak with us personally, please leave a message with the Main Office and we will return your call between classes.

Library Catalog can be accessed at:  https://hchr.follettdestiny.com

Library Policies:

  • Students in Grades K-6 visit the library once per week and may check out 2-3 books per week. Students in Grades 7-8 may visit the library during their Study Hall, before school, or immediately after school. 
  • Because not every book is appropriate for every age of reader, our library is divided into several sections or areas according to reading level and content. Students are instructed as to which areas are appropriate for their grade and reading level.
  • Books may be checked out for 2 weeks and renewed once for an additional 2 weeks.
  • OVERDUE BOOKS -Overdue notices will be given to students once per week. No fines will be charged for late books but check out privileges are limited for students with overdue books.
  • LOST BOOKS- Books that are significantly overdue will be recorded as Lost. Parents will be notified of Lost books and a fine may be charged for replacement. Please do not send money or a replacement book to school until you are asked to do so by the Librarians.
  • DAMAGED BOOKS – If books are damaged beyond repair, parents will be contacted with the amount due for replacement. Please do not send money or a replacement book to school until you are asked to do so by the Librarians.
  • HOLD REQUESTS – Students in Grades 5-8 may place books on HOLD using the catalog link above and logging into their library account. Instructions for placing a book on HOLD can be found HERE: Holds Quick Guide   Books will be delivered to the student’s Homeroom. 

Library Collection Development:

The selection of library materials is the responsibility of the librarians, with input from staff, administrators, teachers and students. A copy of the full Collection Development Policy can be viewed HERE: HCS Library Collection Development Policy

The Librarians make every effort to ensure that quality books are available in our library. If  you have any questions or concerns about a particular book, please email the librarians and we will be happy to discuss the book in question by email or phone call. A copy of the full book reconsideration policy can be found HERE: Book Reconsideration Policy

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